Vacation from the vacation!!!
How can I explain this? Okay…the last, I mean the first 7 days weren’t that nice in total. Yes, there were some nice section but there was a lot of road walking. Until now, there wasn’t really a New Zealand feeling and so we did a little trip to Coromandal with our friend Sanna. Here, we got the first time the feeling to be in NZ. Mountains, green hills, cliffs and the ocean. To get stuck here is very easy but our limit were 3 days.
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The first time on the ocean was at the Hot Water Beach. You have to dig a hole when you have low tide and because of the heat beneath the surface from the beach, the hole is filling up with very warm water. We couldn’t experience it because we got high tide. Although the holidays are already on, there wasn’t so many people at this place. Waves are fun and we jumped in the ocean like little kids. Benny and Laura are some good friends from Sanna. We met them at the beach and together we drove back to our spot under a bridge and made dinner.
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Cathedral Cove was our next destination. At the parking area, we got a very nice lookout. The beach, the ocean and all the little rocks and islands made this place very special. We walked down and I wandered along the beach and took some pictures. Especially, the one large rock looked like a very large fin. This area is very similar to Italy along the coast. We walked back to the parking area and drove to a DOC camp near the Opito Bay. Torte, Eule and I spend one hour at the beach and enjoyed the port wine and a few beers.
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No showers in this camp and so we took a bath in the ocean in the morning. Everything was alright until the water got higher than the knees. Brrrrr!!!! Nobody really wants to move. But slowly, the car was packed with our stuff and we were ready to move. But the car wanted to stay at this place. Nothing worked. A short look under the bonnet and the problem was solved. The cable form the battery was loose. Next town was Coromandel Town but we didn’t stop here. At the Kennedy Bay we enjoyed to climb over the rocks. To travel with a car is absolutely different. You got in places and you are still not tired and if you got lost, a short turn will solve the situation. But definitely we want to hike again.
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It was already very late and so we decided to stay at the Kennedy Bay. We pinched our tent next to the ocean which was later on a big mistake because there was just a little storm. It started at first with some rain drops and a slight breeze. But soon, it turns into something massive. The 2 person tent wasn’t sealed yet and so the water came through the seam all the time. I spend some hours to wipe the water out of the tent during the night. Our sleeping bags were already wet. The wind got stronger and stronger but the tent stand the wind. Eule and I pulled the sleeping bag over our faces and pretended not to be there. We laughed all the time about the situation. We got almost no sleep. I was happy when the sun rose and suddenly the face from Torte appeared at the entrance of our tent. He told us that he had to tear down the tent because all his clothes got very wet and so we did. Fortunately, there was a toilet and we brought all the gear into the little room. It reminded me at the kick off party on the PCT. It was very funny but in the mountains we would have a problem now.
Hallo ihr drei,arme*Eule*,hoffe das die Blasen verheilt sind und es euch gut geht. Erlebt habt ihr für die kurze Zeit ja schon genug. Es werden noch mehr Abenteuer dazu kommen. Die Bilder vom Strand sind sehr beeindruckend,die anderen natürlich auch. hoffen das ihr immer den Weg findet und Wanderfreunde kennen lernt,mit Sandfliegen hast du ja schon Erfahrung,lieber Maik. Grüße Eule und Torte ganz lieb von uns,Drückerli und bleibt gesund deine Mom und Familie
ReplyDeleteHallo Ihr drei Weltenbummler. Wir wünschen euch frohe Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr sowie viel Kraft für den Trail.Die Bilder sind sehr schön,macht weiter so und laßt euch nicht unterkriegen.MfG Karola,Andreas,Ronny und Familie
ReplyDeleteDanke Danke meine Guten. Verbringen Weihnachten auf einem Campground mit ein paar anderen Leuten. Ist echt gemuehtlich hier, so ganz ohne Schnee. Weihnachtsgefühle sind aber keine vorhanden. Da fehlt wohl echt das Wetter dafür. Ganz liebe Grüße und eine frohe Weihnacht.