Trail-magic and a deja vu in Queenstown

Never saw that in my life
Stucked clouds
Lake Wanaka
I didn’t expect that on the Te Araroa. Trail magic. For these people who don’t know what that is: Trail magic is everything what makes us hikers happy. It could be a ride to a town, a small present like food and even an invitation to somebody’s home. It began with a delicious coffee at the Pakituhi Hut from some Kiwis, next day I got a very tasty pumpkin soup and a ginger-tea from a German girl, and last but not least a beer from Lukas who accompanied me for a while. It’s the little things in life that makes you happy.
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The mountain is calling
Tree on the beach
It's a dolphin, isn't it
The contrast between the hiker- and the city life is immense. On the trail you hike mostly alone or in a little group in meanwhile you will be surrounded by hundred of people in town. Also the life just with a backpack is easy. In town you can chose between campgrounds, hostels and hotels; you are staying in the supermarket and want to eat everything and also the surplus of cafes, ice cream shops and snack shops are hardly to ignore. Especially if you are arriving starved and tired straight from the trail. At this moment everything is just overwhelmed. Before you will reach a city you know exactly what you want to eat and do in town. Is everything done and you stilled your hunger you will looking forward to the next adventure. 
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What's that in my face?
On the ridge
A hut in the middle of nowhere
The hut system in New Zealand is just awesome. You are paying 90 bucks for the pass which is valid for 6 months and you can stay in every hut on the Te Araroa. The standard starts from hovels with mice and will end with 5 stars deluxe hut which contains a porch, fire place, seats, tables and a comfortable sleeping area. Sometimes I would prefer such a hut instead of choosing a hostel even I wouldn’t have a shower. But the best hut isn’t worth anything if somebody is snoring like hell. I had no option but to move out and made myself comfortable on the porch. Around 1 a.m. the DoC ranger got also sick of that noise and preferred more to sleep outside as inside. And don’t tell me something about ear plugs. I tried to push them as deep as I could, but I still could hear the snoring and also my ears started to ache.  
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Some spots with trees
So close but still far away
The part between Wanaka and Queenstown is the last alpine section on the TA. There were some really big climbs which made me breathless and some descents which my knees really don’t like. After breaks I sometimes feel like an old man who goes straight to his forties. Not really funny. But after that roller coaster action I arrived in Arrowtown, walked through Frankton and ended up in Queenstown again. DEJA VU. 
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Alpine section is done
Along the ridge
Autumn is close

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  1. voller Spannung habe ich deinen Blog verschlungen....einfach nur GEIL...sorry...die Südlichter,Berge ,Seen und mittendrin DU.Es ist einfach überwältigend was du erleben darfst. Wir freuen uns so für dich. Vor allem deine Erlebnisse als Mitfahrer .....hihihi....pass auf dich auf,wir lieben dich. Deine Mum,Dad und Brüder OMI'S auch

  2. hi Maiki, von Suedlichtern hab ich auf Stewart Island auch gehoert. gesehen hab ich keine, dafuer aber sage und schreibe 3 Kiwis, und zwar bei Tag. Bin extrem gluecklich. Der Northwest Circuit war echt toll, der Sidetrip zum Mount Anglem, hoechster Punkt Stewart Islands, auch. 980 Meter vom Meer durchgehend bergauf. Die Aussicht war grandios. Ansonsten war der Track die reinste Schlammschlacht, knietief steckte ich drin und matschte voran. Aber die Abwechslung von bergigen Waeldern und einsamen Straenden ist super. Ich verfolge deinen Blog auf jeden Fall weiter und fiebere mit. Voll lustig und interessant, was so alles passiert ist. Weiter so!! beste Gruesse, die eule


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