From Bluff to Cape Reinga within a couple of days - what a crazy trip !!!

The last days to Auckland were really stressful but there were some nice surprises. After I took my bus from Invercargill to Auckland, I spend the night at the airport. Everything was awesome except the noise, the light and all the people. Still sleepy I dragged myself into the plane to Wellington which was indeed the shortest flight in my whole life. For a moment we touched the clouds and seconds later we touched the ground again. From the airport I walked the section between Wellington and Otaki River Fork which I missed in the beginning. I hiked through Wellington, some nice little parks and along the ocean. Close to Waikanae I gave Paul a call who let Torte, Eule and me stay at the beginning of our journey. 2 days later, I left this place and from now on it was only a hop to the river and a short ride to Otaki. Unfortunately, there were no cars at the car park and so I started walking the 18 km to catch my bus to Auckland. After 1 hour of tramping, I heard a car in the distance. I was really sure it would pick me up and it did. Scott gave me a ride and asked me if I wanted to join for dinner. I said yes and warned him about my vegetarian habits. He laughed and told me that they will find some potatoes and vegetables for me. Lynn, his wife cooked a very delicious casserole and Scott made a fantastic coffee for me. Yam Yam. I thanked Lynn for everything and hopped into Scotts car who took me to the bus station. It’s nice all the time to meet some people like them. Thanks a lot for the evening.
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What a view
Island in the ocean
Along the ocean
Seconds later she run away
At 6 o’clock in the morning, I arrived where I started this trip with my friends. Auckland. But at most I was happy for my next companion for the last 600 km from Cape Reinga to Auckland. Micha, a mate from Berlin wanted to join me and so we planed for a long time this travel. A big THX to Torte and Eule that everything worked out. We spend just one day in town and took the bus to Orewa the next day. From there we will hitchhike to the Cape.
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Blue bottle jellyfish
What the hell
Micha, my friend from Berlin
Snow in the Tararua Range
Making a sign
“Put your money somewhere else”, yelled Micha and I, while we were dressed like chicken and armed with some signs. Cause after the crazy yoga lady dropped us off next to the main street, we got the next ride from a young vegan women group who were on their way to a demonstration which we joined. It was about an increase from a chicken farm. The chicken live in a small cages which aren’t bigger than a cage from a hamster. And if you are thinking that the cage is just for one chicken, you are wrong. It has another 5 roommates. That’s crazy. We swung signs, yelled some paroles and informed everybody on the street about that. After crying ourselves hoarse, a nice vegan pick nick took place in the park. The people were super friendly and they also offered us a bed if we were around here. 
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Direction to Cape Reinga? :)
The vegan power women movement
Chicke, chicke, chicke, chicken
All our chicken friends
A vegan pick nick
Toilet from Hundertwasser
All together it took us 7 rides to get to our goal to the Northern point. This kind of traveling is different from walking but very interesting. We met so many different people. Some we liked and some we don’t, but that’s part of the experience. Last and not least we arrived at Cape Reinga around the early afternoon and we were really ready for hiking. 
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Paki sand dunes
Twilight beach
Lighthouse from Cape Reinga

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