
Do you know the E1

It’s a cold and sunny Thursday morning. I’m close to Hannover at my parents’ place in order to celebrate the birthday from my mum. Nobody was at home (life of an employee) and so I decided to have a little walk. I looked up a map to find a short trail nearby. Done!!! I zoomed in to read the name from the trail. E1? My brain waked up and started thinking. I heard that name before. Somewhere!
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And suddenly it popped up. It was the long distance trail E1, which started at the North Cape in Norway and is ending in middle Italy. With a total length of about 7000 km it will lead you through 7 states from Europe like Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland and Italy. More variation is not possible in Europe.
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So I took some water and snacks, put it into my backpack and made my way to the trail. The E1 which is really close to my parents’ home is going through the “Haster Wald”. My first thought was that I didn’t expect any marks but I was wrong. Right next to the street, I saw a big X and the abbreviation E1 below. I made my first step into the woods and instantly I was lost in thought and saw myself standing at North Cape. Back in reality I was astonished by the beauty of the forest. Frozen streams, the silence and iced branches throw me back into dreams. At the end of the forest I said goodbye and returned with mix feelings. I’ll be back. Promised!
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