Cameron Highlands/ Tanah Rata - Volunteering in CH Travellers Inn

This time we were lucky because we got a ride from Ipho to Tanah Rata (Flat Ground) in the Cameron Highlands. The first thing that we realised was the pleasant cool weather up here. Up here means about 1500 meter above sea level. The climate is perfect to grow fruits and vegetables like strawberries, beans, tomatoes, corns and many more. First we were quite overwhelmed with all these vegetable farms because we didn’t expect this up here. Our driver dropped us off somewhere in Tanah Rata. From there we made our way through Tanah Rata to the hostel where we will work for the next 2 weeks.
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Haida and Oliver welcomed us in the Orchid Lodge and gave us an introduction for the next 2 weeks. In the CH Travellers Inn we met our 2 charming colleges Stephen and Alias. Alias is local and Stephen an English gentleman. Today we had nothing to do and so we walked to the downtown of Tanah Rata which took us about two minutes. I think you could walk through whole Tanah Rata within 10 minutes. The main street were filled with restaurants and little shops. Back in the hostel we met our boss Hisham who is a really nice guy. He showed us all the important stuff but the most things we will learn as we are working.
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Our job in the hostel was to make the beds, checking in and out the backpackers, writing emails, taking phone calls and trying not to burn the hostel down. This all is just a preparation for us because Stephen, Ines and I should run the hostel for one week by ourselves. The reason were Ramadan and Hari Raya. Ramadan is the fasting time for Muslims which takes one month. No food and drinks from sunrise to sunset. Hari Raya is the first day of eating. Many people are celebrating this with family and friends. It is like Christmas in the Western countries. The owners said goodbye to us and from now on we were in charge of the CH TRAVELLERS INN. Hopefully things will going well.
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We got loads of fun and sometimes a lot of stress in this week. Beds aren’t doing the job by itself. Pity. Additional we had to improvise a few times. Especially when guests are walking in and saying “We have a reservation under…” and you are answering “Unfortunately all beds are full”. In this moment we gave our room to the guests and we stayed altogether in the tiny office. What a fun. The Fantastic 3 were successful during this week and every guest was more and less satisfied. After the job was done we mostly hang around in the Jungle Bar, playing pool and discussing about the meaning of life. Last mentioned we didn’t find any answers. 
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The biggest contrasts were to leave the hostel and doing one of the walks in the jungle. The trails are just 10 minutes away from town and a good place for tourists and locals to relaxe. No noise and exhaust gas from cars were a good treatment for our body and mind. After 2 or 3 hours we had to leave paradise and entering the real world again. The hostel is calling.
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We worked for two weeks in a row and had 3 days off afterwards. We still could stay in the hostel during these days without paying for the room. Stephen, Ines and I were on fire for jungle trekking. After this we wanted to visit another tee plantation. 7 km was to far for walking and so we used our thumb again. Within 5 minutes a car stopped, seconds later we sat on the back of the pick up and met some very friendly people. Unfortunately, the plantation was closed. How disappointing would it be if we would walk all the way to here. On our way home the driver asked us if we would like to see some vegetable farms. We agreed and got some very good impressions. We ate sweet corn from the plantation, we picked onions with locals, got a lot information about the work and the farms and saw the homes from the workers which was deep in the jungle. What for a crazy day.
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Nearly 3 weeks after we arrived here, it felt like a second home again. It was a little bit sad to leave all these amazing people here but I’m so thankful for these experience especially to run a hostel for one week. Thanks Haida, Ibrahim, Hisham, Alias, Anni, Stephen (Hamster), Oliver (Flower) and Eddy (the owner of the jungle bar) for these memorable days. Please fasten your seat belts. Next destination “MELAKA”
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  1. hallo ihr Lieben.das Video ist sehr schön.Tolles Land ..nun weiß ich wo der Weihnachtsstern wächst..da habt ihr wirklich tolle Erfahrungen über Anbau und Menschen gemacht. freuen uns für euch sehr.Die Tierwelt ist auch nicht zu verachten...passt auf euch auf.Hdl Mum..liebe Grüsse an Ines und Drückerli


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